Sumup EAN scanner
€ 249,00
With the Socket Mobile 7Ci you can easily scan barcodes via Bluetooth. You have more freedom of movement and are not limited by a wire or cable. This can be very useful, especially if you regularly want to count your inventory or add new products.
With a fully charged battery you can make up to 15,000 scans. In many cases this will prove to be more than sufficient.

Product description
Sumup barcode scanner
The Sumup barcode scanner from Socket Mobile is a handy piece of electronics that takes a lot of work off your hands. The SocketScan 7Ci is ideal for shops and entrepreneurs who use a tablet to pay. The Sumup EAN barcode scanner is very light and therefore easy to use for extended periods of time. With a full battery you can easily process 15,000 scans. This is more than sufficient for most shops and entrepreneurs.
The barcode scanner can easily be connected to your Sumup cash register system, tablet or smartphone via the Bluetooth connection. The handheld scanner is supplied ready to use including batteries, USB charging cable and wrist strap.
– 2 AAA NiMH rechargeable batteries and USB charging cable are included
– Dimensions: 129 x 40.1 x 34.6mm
– Weight: 45g
note: The sumup ean scanner can only be used in combination with the SumUp Point of Sale POS system from version 2.7.5
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